Stories of Impact: The Bulb

By Karen Barton

The Bulb is thrilled to have started a new market in East Charlotte at ourBRIDGE for KIDS, in partnership with United Neighborhoods. At their first market, they welcomed over 60 households representing over a dozen nationalities and languages. They have seen consistent growth in the weeks since and have been supported by wonderful partners at ourBRIDGE and Refugee Support Services, and dedicated volunteers. Several volunteers have been Johnson & Wales students who created nutrition education materials that The Bulb regularly displays at the markets! 

In March, the Bulb kicked off their most recent market at the West Charlotte Rec Center. The turnout was phenomenal and the feedback from community members was telling of the positive impact The Bulb can have on the lives of individuals and families. One woman let them know she struggles with an eating disorder and that fresh produce is not something she’s generally able to afford. What The Bulb is offering her helps to fuel her body in a nutritious way. 

In 2023 The Bulb hosted 618 mobile markets, realized 3,091 hours of volunteer effort, grew 8,519 lb of fresh produce on their farms, served 24,559 guests at mobile markets, impacted 76,335 individuals by total household size through their mobile markets, distributed 349,305 lb of fresh produce to communities and diverted 179,609 lb of produce from the landfill byway of their food rescue program. 

The Bulb has lots of volunteer opportunities available! Please visit their SignUp Genius page for weekly openings and email the volunteer manager, Carter, at BULBATEER@THEBULBGALLERY.ORG for group opportunities! 

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