Countdown to Giving Tuesday: November 28

By Aimee Greeter

As the festive season draws near, many of us may find ourselves thinking of ways to give back to our community. This Giving Tuesday – on November 28, 2023 – let’s amplify the spirit of giving and spread kindness throughout our community. Here is a countdown of meaningful ways for the incredible women of Charlotte to make a difference on this special day.

3. Volunteer Your Time: Nothing beats the gift of time and effort. Numerous local charities, shelters, and food banks in Charlotte are always in need of helping hands. Spend your Giving Tuesday volunteering at a soup kitchen, reading to children at a local library, or assisting at an animal shelter. WIF non-profit partners, both past and current, are also great organizations to invest your time. Ways you can help are often included in the WIF monthly Member Connection and on our social media accounts, so those are good places to start if you are looking for ideas! Your time can bring immense joy to those in need, creating lasting memories for both you and the people you help.

2. Support Local Businesses with Purpose: This Giving Tuesday, consider supporting local businesses that give back to the community. Many shops in Charlotte collaborate with charities, donating a portion of their sales to noble causes. By shopping consciously, you can not only find unique treasures but also contribute to the betterment of society. It’s a win-win situation where your purchases make a significant impact on the lives of others.

1. Spread the Word and Raise Awareness: Use the power of your voice and social media to raise awareness about causes close to your heart. Share inspiring stories, highlight local charities, and encourage your friends and family to join the giving movement. By spreading awareness, you create a ripple effect, inspiring others to participate and contribute to the community in meaningful ways.

…GIVE! There is no better way to celebrate Giving Tuesday than making a financial contribution to an organization that is meaningful to you. Not sure where to start? Check out WIF’s recent nonprofit partners, or see an expansive list of local organizations seeking support on SHARE Charlotte’s homepage. Don’t forget Women’s Impact Fund, too! Our Annual Fund helps close the gap between member dues and our total operating budget. This Giving Tuesday, let’s embrace the spirit of giving and let kindness guide your actions, making our beloved city an even better place for everyone.

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