Today we are pleased to share updates and next steps related to our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) working groups. You may recall, in our last update, we shared that our working groups were broadened to support more comprehensive and thoughtful outcomes across our organization and community.

The Our Organization working group is focused on our internal practices including membership outreach and engagement, governance, operations, and financial structure. The team has broken into three subgroups, with the following respective goals and accomplishments.

    • The Membership Practices group is developing strategies to sustain a diverse and inclusive membership experience for a variety of women. They are discussing event structure, promotion, and culture building.
    • The Organizational Access group is evaluating ways to make WIF membership more financially accessible to more women in our community. They are considering alternative membership commitment levels to make membership more inclusive.
    • The Policies & Procedures group is integrating DEI into our governing policies to ensure long-term deliberate commitment. This group is incorporating an expanded DEI statement and principles into our existing policies and procedures (will be approved by the board).


The Our Community working group is externally focused, considering grantmaking practices, community impact approach, educational opportunities, and marketing and communications. Over the last three months, the working group has primarily focused on our grantmaking.

We conducted an open survey of local nonprofit organizations (including grantees, finalists, and others) to understand the perception of the WIF grants process in the nonprofit community. The feedback and outcomes from this survey, combined with other resources including Trust-Based Philanthropy principles, NCRP’s Power Moves framework, and readings on racial justice in grantmaking, have led the group to consider potential changes to align WIF’s grantmaking process with the changing needs of our community. These changes include:

    • Focusing WIF grant funding within all existing program areas in terms of eligibility, social issues, and considering multiple grants of varying sizes;
    • Considering how to better nonprofit organizations with smaller operating budgets including through the Spark grants process; and
    • Ensuring the voices of those we seek to serve are included in our work through exploring a community advisory board.

In the coming months, we will finalize the recommendations of both working groups to share more detail with our members. Please be on the lookout for invitations to listening circles in the early spring to learn more and share your feedback.

In addition, there are a variety of ways to engage in events supporting our DEI commitment, including:

Note that you will begin to see ongoing DEI updates within our existing member communications including through the monthly Member Connection email, virtual newsletter, and on our blog.

If you have questions about this work, please reach out to any board or staff member or a member of our working groups.


The Women’s Impact Fund Board of Directors

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